Exact Public Subscriber count won't see anymore, YouTube done his job.

Youtube Subscriber count

Currently, all Youtubers with more than 1,000 subscribers display their subscriber numbers differently in different locations on YouTube desktop and mobile applications. In some cases, the subscriber count is abbreviated (for example, 133k) and in other places we display the full count (eg, 133,017).

To create greater consistency across all locations starting August 2019, which we publicly display subscriber numbers, we will begin showing concise subscriber numbers on all YouTube YouTube surfaces. Third parties who use YouTube's API services will face the same public you see on YouTube. Producers will still be able to see the right number of their customers in YouTube Studios.

Youtube Subscriber count

Back in May, Google argued that the changes were made for consistency: "Currently, all creators, with more than a thousand subscribers, have viewed their subscriptions in the YouTube desktop and mobile apps in different places. In some cases, the number of subscribers is truncated (e.g., 133K) and Elsewhere we display complete calculations (e.g., 133,017). "Above all, the company has now added," stress and Manufacturers' concerns about welfare, especially about tracking public members among real consumers. "

While there will be no change in channels with fewer than 1,000 subscribers, the higher number will be abbreviated to show no more than three numbers at a time. 1,234 subscribers will be displayed as 1.23k, and 123,456,789 customers will be less accurate with 123M.
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