Farewell to Windows 7, now out of support from Microsoft........

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Windows 7 is so popular that millions of PCs are still running in Windows 7 today, and according to NetmarketShare data, the operating system is still operating on 5 percent of all PCs. Microsoft has tried for years to upgrade people to Windows 10 for free, but billions of PCs will now be released for exploitation and security vulnerabilities.

Microsoft is informing Windows 7 users about the end of today's support on Windows, so those who are still stuck on the OS cannot say that they were not warned. A full-screen notification will appear for Windows 7 users on Wednesday, warning that the system will no longer be supported. Microsoft has been trying to convince current users to upgrade to machines running on Windows 10 since 2011, the first year of growth in the global PC market.


Business and education Windows 7 users will be able to pay for extended security updates, but for some it can be a costly undertaking. Extended updates are estimated at $ 25 per machine for Windows 7 Enterprise, and the price is expected to be $ 50 per device in 2021 and again $ 100 in 2022. This is even worse for Windows 7 Pro users, who start at $ 50 per machine and jump to $ 100 in 2021. And 1 for 5 dollars. This value can naturally change depending on the amount of PCs used in the business, but for large companies it will still be expensive.

Despite the end of support, Windows 7 seems to still have some life left in it. Under 10 percent market capitalization, it may take another year or two for Windows 7, especially when Google promises to support Chrome on Windows 7 by at least 2021. Given the increase in ransomware ttacks in recent years and their devastating effects. , Possibly we will see a public Windows 7 security patch in the future.

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